How to Clean Scuff Marks Off Walls

How to clean scuff marks off walls

It’s inevitable. With kids and pets in the house, scuff marks on the walls are bound to happen at some point. If you’re not sure how to get them off, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we will discuss the best methods for how to clean scuff marks off walls. Let’s get started!

Make Note of Your Wall Paint Finish

Before you start scrubbing at those scuff marks, it’s important to first identify the finish of your wall paint. This is because the method that you use to clean them will vary depending on the type of paint finish. Here are a few examples:

  • Glossy Paint Finish: If your walls have a glossy paint finish, you’ll want to use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the marks away. Be sure not to use any harsh chemicals or abrasives, as they could damage the paint finish.
  • Satin Paint Finish: If your walls have a satin paint finish, you can clean them with a mild detergent and water solution. Be sure to wipe the area afterward with clean water to remove any soap residue. See below for specific options.
  • Flat Paint Finish: If your walls have a flat paint finish, you can clean them with a mild detergent and water solution. Be sure to wipe the area afterward with clean water to remove any soap residue. You can also use a sponge or soft brush to lightly scrub the marks away.
  • Wall Paper Finish:  If your walls are wallpapered, try using an art gum eraser. It will help rub away scuff marks without getting the walls wet. It’s also a gentler alternative to other more abrasive solutions.

How to Clean Scuff Marks off Walls:

Now that you know the type of paint finish on your walls, it’s time to learn how to remove those pesky scuff marks! Here are a few methods that you can try:

Water and Washcloth:

More often than not, fancy cleaning products are completely unnecessary! I always recommend starting with the basics: water and a washcloth or sponge. This is the most gentle method and will work on most types of surfaces – especially if the scuff mark is relatively new. Simply wet the washcloth with water, and then use it to rub the scuff mark until it comes off.

Detergent or Soap and Water:

If the water and washcloth method doesn’t work, you can try using soap and water. Mix a small amount of dish soap into some water, and then use a gentle sponge or washcloth to apply it to the scuff mark. Rub the area until the scuff mark comes off, then wipe with clean water.

Instead of dish soap, you can also try using a tiny bit of laundry detergent mixed with water. If you’re using liquid detergent add only a few drops into a bowl of water – using too much will leave a soapy residue on your walls!

You can also mix powdered laundry detergent with water (about 1 tsp per gallon of water) for slightly more abrasion while you’re scrubbing the scuff mark with a sponge. After removing the scuff mark, wipe the surface clean with a damp washcloth and let it air dry.

Baking Soda and Water:

Do you need more abrasive power to remove the scuff mark from your wall? You can try mixing baking soda and water. Mix a small amount of baking soda into some water. You want a drippy consistency like cake batter. Then use a sponge or washcloth to apply it to the scuff mark. Rub the area gently until the scuff mark comes off, then rinse with clean water.

All-Purpose Cleaner:

Sometimes all you need is to treat the scuff mark with an all-purpose cleaner. Apply the cleaner to a sponge or washcloth, then rub it into the scuff mark. Wipe with clean water afterward.

Melamine Sponge or Magic Eraser:

If none of the previous methods work, grab your tried and true Magic Eraser. These sponges are specifically designed to remove scuffs and marks from surfaces. Simply dampen the sponge, then rub it into the scuff mark until it comes off. Rinse with clean water when finished.

A word of caution: Make sure you rub gently! Melamine sponges are essential very fine grit sandpaper sponges. If you rub too much in one spot you will risk rubbing away the finish on your walls. Avoid using this technique on wallpaper.

Art Gum Eraser:

If the scuff mark is old and stubborn OR if you’re trying to remove scuff marks from wallpaper, try using an art gum eraser. This is a gentler alternative to a melamine sponge that is less likely to damage the finish on your walls or wallpaper. Simply rub the eraser over the scuff mark until it comes off.

Touching Up Scuff Marks:

If after attempting all of these scuff removal methods, you’re still left with a noticeable mark it’s time to touch up the paint. This will help to conceal any evidence that there was ever a mark there in the first place!

Make sure you use paint in a matching color AND finish to the existing wall. If you aren’t sure what paint color was used, you can chip a tiny piece from another part of the wall and bring it to a paint store. They should be able to color match it for you and send you home with a small can for future touch-ups.

There you have it! The best methods for removing scuff marks from your walls. Try one (or a combination) of these techniques and your walls will be looking as good as new in no time!

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