How to Clean a Laptop Screen and Keyboard

The other day I was typing up a post about cleaning when I noticed that the very laptop I was using (and have been using almost daily for the past 6+ years!) was disgusting. It always amazes me how easy it is to subconsciously ignore the imperfections of objects that we see and use every day (kind of like mildew on shower curtain liners, buildup on earbuds, dust on ceiling fans, or grime on oven knobs).

Luckily, it’s easy to clean a laptop screen and keyboard using ingredients that you likely already have on hand. 

And if you don’t already have the supplies you need, I put together an easy Amazon Shopping List with everything you need! Simply add items to cart and purchase 🙂

*Please note that before you start cleaning, it’s imperative that you first completely turn off your computer and unplug it from any charging device(s). 

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard


Laptop Keyboard Cleaning Instructions

  1. Make sure your laptop is turned off
  2. Use a keyboard duster (I prefer a rechargeable duster to compressed air cans – it’s both safer/healthier to use and better for the environment) to blow any crumbs or dust that settled between your laptop keyboard keys
  3. Mix 1 part distilled water with 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle
  4. Spray cleaning solution on soft microfiber cloth until slightly damp
  5. Wipe damp microfiber cloth over and in-between the keys, paying special attention to any grimy or sticky spots (then mentally commit to never eating PBJ while working on your laptop again…)

How to Clean a Laptop Screen


Laptop Screen Cleaning Instructions

  1. Mix 1 part distilled water with 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle
  2. Spray cleaning solution on screen-safe microfiber cloth until slightly damp
  3. Gently wipe fingerprints and grime from your laptop screen

NOTE: Avoid using baby wipes or alcohol wipes on your screen. Not only will baby wipes leave streaks, but both types of wipes are too wet to apply directly to your laptop screen or keyboard. Be safe and use common sense when contemplating harsh cleaners for your electronics!

How to Clean a Laptop Trackpad


Laptop Trackpad Cleaning Instructions

  1. Mix 1 part distilled water with 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle
  2. Spray cleaning solution on soft microfiber cloth until slightly damp
  3. Gently wipe the microfiber cloth over any grimy parts of the trackpad (NOTE: test a small area first to ensure you don’t cause damage!)
  4. If your trackpad is particularly grimy, try using a slightly damp magic eraser to scrub away grime then immediately wipe dry with a microfiber cloth (again, test a small area first to ensure you don’t cause damage)

How to Clean Laptop Charging Cable


Charging Cable Cleaning Instructions 

  1. Mix 1 part distilled water with 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle
  2. Spray cleaning solution on soft microfiber cloth until damp
  3. Pinch the charging cable between your fingers and the microfiber cloth and gently pull the cable through the cloth. Repeat this motion until clean
  4. Repair any exposed wires (likely due to too much bending of the cable) with electrical tape

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